Chapter 1:
pg 10 s/C is retained as a subset./Except for closing a few serious loopholes in the type system (see Appendix B), C is retained as a subset./
pg 11 s/A formally approved international C++ standard is expected in 1998./ The ISO C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882) was ratified in 1998./
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
pg 61 s/!is.eof() &&/!is.eof() ||/
Chapter 4:
pg 74 Clarification: Replace the last paragraph of 4.5 by: "If you want a floating-point literal of type float, you can define one using the suffix f or F:
3.14159265f 2.0f 2.997925F 2.9e-3fIf you want a floating-point literal of type long double, you can define one using the suffix l or L:
3.14159265L 2.0L 2.997925L 2.9e-3L
Chapter 5:
pg 90 s/character literals/string literals/
Chapter 6:
pg 124: Replace the first paragraph of 6.2.4 by: "The bitwise logical operators &, |, ^, ~, >>, and << are applied to objects of integral types and enumerations - that is, bool, char, short, int, long, unsigned counterparts, and enums. The usual arithmetic conversions (C.6.3) are performed to determine the type of the result."
pg 131 s/undefined behavior./nonportable implementation-defined behavior./
Chapter 7:
pg 149 move "double to long double" from promotions to stndard conversions
Chapter 8:
pg 180 The definition of My_lib::my_fct() should be:
void My_lib::my_fct(String& v) // ok; String is My_lib::String meaning His_string::String { // ... }
pg 183 replace
#include< cstdio> using namespace std;;with
#include< cstdio> using std::printf; // ...
pg 193 s/std::cin/&std::cin/
Chapter 9:
pg 219 s/The destructor of an object created before/ The destructor of a constructed statically allocated object (a global, function static, or a class static) created before/
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
pg 272 s/An object constructed by explicit or implicit use of a constructor is automatic/An object constructed by explicit or implicit use of a constructor in an expression is automatic/
pg 282 clarification: s/ impose./impose (access through a pointer is can be relatively expensive)./
pg 283 /const max_matrix_temp = 7;/const int max_matrix_temp = 7;/
pg 284 Clarification: Replace the first paragraph of 11.7.1 by
"By default, a single argument constructor also defines an implicit conversion. For some types, that is ideal. For example, a complex can be initialized with an int:
complex z = 2; // initialize z with complex(2)In other cases, the implicit conversion is undesirable and error-prone. For example, if we could initialize a string with an int size someone could write:
string s = 'a'; // make s a string with int('a') elementsIt is quite unlikely that this was what the person defining s meant."
pg 286 s/const string&/string&/ twice
pg 286 s/const_iterator/iterator/
pg 288 s/Iter for_each(/Fct for_each(/
pg 290 s/24.2.4/24.3.6/
pg 300 s/as if y and p/as if x and p/
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
pg 333 s/a pointer T*/a pointer Link*/
pg 342 s/interface to void*/interface to Vector< void*>/
pg 347 s/13.2.3/C.13.3/
Chapter 14:
pg 365 s/{ fclose(p); }/{ if (p) fclose(p); }/
pg 387 s/[9] Avoid throwing exceptions from copy constructors; /[9] Leave operands in valid states before throwing an exception from an assignment;
Chapter 15:
pg 395 simpler first code fragment:
p->Task::next = 0; // ok p->Displayed::next = 0; // ok
pg 395 the destructor should be plain:
virtual ~Storable() { }
pg 416: s/hash_map< type_info*,/hash_map< const type_info*,/
pg 423 s/,size_t)/)/
Chapter 16:
pg 432 s/< cwtype>/< cwctype>/
Chapter 17:
pg 474 s/16.3.6)/16.3.6) except capacity() and reserve()/
pg 482: a better illustration:
pair< int,double> f(char c, int i) { pair< char,int> x(c,i); // ... return x; // pair< char,int> to pair< int.double> conversion required }
pg 489 replace "Erasing end() is harmless." by "A call m.erase(b,e) where e is m.end() is harmless (provided b refers to an element of m or is m.end()). However, a call m.erase(p) where p is m.end() is a serious error that could corrupt the container."
pg 492 s/pow(i,2)/pow(2,i)
pg 501 s/(b.size()*max_load <= v.size())/(size_type(b.size()*max_load) <= v.size())/
pg 500 s/hash_map::/hash_map< Key,T,H,EQ,A>::/
pg 502 s/hash_map::/hash_map< Key,T,H,EQ,A>::/ twice
pg 502 s/b.clear()/fill(b.begin(),b.end(),(Entry*)0);/
pg 503 better:
typedef char* Pchar; template< > size_t Hash< Pchar>::operator()(const Pchar& key) const { size_t res = 0; const char* p = key; while (*p) res = (res<<1)^*p++; // use int value of characters return res; }
Chapter 18:
pg 513 s/iterator_type/iterator/ twice
pg 519 s/first_argument_type& x/argument_type& x/
pg 520 better:
template < class T> struct less_than : public binder2nd< less< T> > { explicit less_than(const T& x) : binder2nd< less< T> >(less< T>(),x) { } };
pg 528 better:
bool in_quote(const string& s) { typedef string::const_iterator I; I p = search(quote.begin(),quote.end(),s.begin(),s.end()); // find s in quote return p!=quote.end(); }
pg 530 s/output_iterator/ostream_iterator/
pg 531 replace identity example by:
template< class T> T identity(const T& x) { return x; } template< class In, class Out> Out ccopy(In first, In last, Out res) { return transform(first,last,res,identity< iterator_traits< In>::value_type>); // see sec19.2.2 }The the explicit qualification of identity is needed to get a specific function from the function template. The iterator_traits template (19.2.2) is used to get In's element type.
pg 531 replace the delete_ptr example by
struct Delete_ptr { // use function object to get inlining template< class T> T* operator()(T* p) { delete p; return 0; } }; void purge(deque< Shape*>& s) { transform(s.begin(),s.end(),s.begin(),Delete_ptr()); }
pg 537 s/generate(v2,&v2[900],Randint)/generate(v2,&v2[900],Randint())/
pg 545 s/ lexicographical_compare(s1.begin(),s1.end(),v1,v1+strlen(v1),Nocase)/ lexicographical_compare(s1.begin(),s1.end(),v1,v1+strlen(v1),Nocase())/
Chapter 19:
pg 551 s/void advance(In i, Dist n)/void advance(In& i, Dist n)/
pg 556 s/vi+vi.size()/vi.begin()+vi.size()/
pg 563 s/c->begin()-curr/curr-c->begin()/ twice
pg 565 s/typename C::// five times
pg 565 s/,lst.end()//
pg 566 Improved version of g():
void g(vector< int>& vi) { Checked_iter< vector< int> > p(vi,vi.begin()); // .. int i = p.index(); // get current position vi.resize(100); // p becomes invalid p = Checked_iter< vector< int> >(vi,vi.begin()+i); // restore current position }
pg 568 s/is const void* for all standard allocators./is void* for all standard allocators./
pg 569 s/typename A::template rebind/typename A::rebind/
pg 570 A better Chunk:
struct Chunk { enum { size = 8*1024-16 }; // slightly less than 8K so that a chunk will fit in 8K char mem[size]; // allocation area first to get stringent alignment Chunk* next; };
Chapter 20:
pg 595 s/range_error/out_of_range/
pg 597 s/range_error/out_of_range/
pg 601 s/< cwtype>/< cwctype>/
pg 601 s/< wtype.h>/< wctype.h>/
pg 602 s/range_error/length_error/
Chapter 21:
pg 609 After the first code segment, add: "Class basic_ios prohibits copy construction and assignment (11.2.2). This implies that ostreams and istreams cannot be copied. Therefore, if you need to change the target of a stream you must either change stream buffers (21.6.4) or indirect through a pointer (11.2.2)."
pg 610 s/cerr.operator<<("x = ").operator<<(x)/operator<<(cerr,"x = ").operator<<(x)/
pg 617 s/a null operation./a null operation as far as the variable being read into is concerned./
pg 622 s/ios_base::clear()/clear()/
pg 622 /ios_base member exceptions()/basic_ios member exceptions()/
pg 626 s/floatfield;/floatfield,/
pg 626 s/fmtflags unitbuf;/unitbuf;/
pg 626 replace the definition of the two-argument version of fmtflags with
// clear and set flags in mask: fmtflags setf(fmtflags f, fmtflags mask) { return flags((flags()&~mask)|(f&mask)); }
pg 630 s/bitfield/bitset/
pg 633 s/cout::setprecision(n)/cout.precision(n)/
pg 633 s/s.setprecision(n)/s.precision(n)/
pg 634 s/put '\0' and flush/put '\0'/
pg 634 s/n digits after decimal point/n digits (21.4.3)/
pg 636 /Bound_form Form::operator()(double d)/Bound_form Form::operator()(double d) const /
pg 644 s/charT,traits/Ch,Tr/ twice
pg 646 Move "basic_streambuf();" to the protected interface on page 647
pg 650 s/cin.imbue(std::locale::global())/cin.imbue(std::locale())/
Chapter 22:
pg 671 s/v_even = d[slice(0,d.size()/2+d.size()%2,2)]/v_even = d[slice(0,d.size()/2,2)]/
pg 673 s/slice(i,d1,d2)/slice(i,d2,d1)/ thrice
pg 674 s/mul(const valarray/mul(Cslice_iter/
pg 674 s/res(i)] = mul(m.row(i),v)/res[i] = mul(m.row(i),v)/
pg 685 the correct declaration of srand is():
void srand(unsigned int i); // seed random number generator by i
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
pg 757 s/Iter_for_T> print_all(Iter_for_T/Iter_for_T> void print_all(Iter_for_T/
Chapter 25:
pg 772 s/virtual add_fuel/virtual void add_fuel/
pg 773 s/virtual dispatch_to/virtual void dispatch_to/
pg 777 add a constructor to Error_response:
Error_response(const string& s) :message(s) { }
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
pg 825 /enumeration values to ints/ints to enumerations/
Appendix C:
pg 829 s/??? ?//
pg 832 s/undefined/implementation defined/ 4 times in comments
pg 834 s/Plausible results are 255 and -1/Plausible results are 127 and -1/
pg 855 Add < > to friend names: .P1
templateclass Basic_ops { // basic operators on containers friend bool operator==<>(const C&, const C&); // compare elements friend bool operator!=<>(const C&, const C&); // ... };
pg 856 s/Like a member, a friend declared within a template is itself a template and is defined using the template parameters of its class./ The <> after the function names indicates that these friend functions are supposed to be template functions./ (late standards change)
pg 863 replace the bottom example by
template< class T> void sort(vector< T>& v) { sort(v.begin(),v.end()); // use standard library sort() (without explicitly saying std::) } class Container { vector< int> v; // elements public: void sort() // sort elements { ::sort(v); // sort(vector< int>&) which calls std::sort() rather than Container::sort() } // ... };Had sort(vector< T>&) called sort() using the std::sort() notation, the result would have been the same and the code would have been clearer.
pg 867 advice [5]: Use keywords and digraphs to represent programs on systems where {, }, [, ], |, or ! are missing and trigraphs if \ is missing; C.3.1.
Chapter 1:
pg 2 s/Isac/Isak/
pg 17 s/Eric/Erich/
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
pg 100 s/A pointer of any type/A pointer to any type/
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
pg 214 s/#include statements for/#include directive for/
Chapter 8:
pg 187 s/Range_Error/Range_error/
Chapter 9:
pg 202 s/compliers/compilers/
Chapter 10:
pg 255 s/``its'' reference or named object go out/``its'' reference or named object goes out/
Chapter 11:
pg 298 s/operator+(int)/X operator+(int)/
pg 298 s/operator+(X)/Y operator+(X)/
Chapter 12:
pg 318 s/Data is better kept private/Data members are better kept private/
pg 325 s/of a of a/of a/ in 12.7[2]
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
pg 409 s/A dynamic_cast requires a pointer or reference to a polymorphic type to do a downcast or a crosscast./ A dynamic_cast requires a pointer or reference to a polymorphic type in order to do a downcast or a crosscast./
pg 426 s/keywords you can/keywords as you can/ in 15.8[7]
pg 426 s/overwrite a Base*/override a Base*/
Chapter 16:
pg 460 s/(3)/(c) in 16.5[10]
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
pg 516 s/Alternatively, we could pesent/Alternatively, we could present/
pg 526 s/int*::/const char*::/
Chapter 19:
pg 561 s/3.7.1/3.7.2/
pg 572 s/rebind()/rebind/
Chapter 20:
pg 598 s/expanding string as needed/expanding the string as needed/
pg 602 s/to localize values in a string/to locate values in a string/
pg 602 s/(possibly empty) parenthesized sequences/(possibly empty) parenthesized sequence/
Chapter 21:
pg 618 s/at at/at/
pg 622 s/so an input operation didn't return a value from the stream./ so that an input operation wouldn't return a value from the stream./
pg 627 s/mystream/myostream/
pg 634 s/n digits after decimal point/n digits (21.4.3,
pg 635 s/std::// and add "using namespace std;"
pg 643 s/are created/is created/
pg 651 s/When the the state/When the state/
pg 654 s/textural/textual/
Chapter 22:
pg 686 s/10,000/100,000/
Chapter 23:
pg 700 s/indeed a to be desirable aim/indeed to be a desirable aim/
Chapter 24:
pg733 s/24.2.4/24.3.6/
Chapter 25:
Appendix A:
pg 810 in base-specifier: "virtual" is in the wrong font twice
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
pg 866 s/vector::sort()/List::sort()/