Modified December 14, 2013.
Errata for Bjarne Stroustrup: A Tour of C++, Addison-Wesley, 2013. ISBN 978-0321958310. Errata for 1st printing yielding the 2nd printing.
There seem to be a wide variety of opinion how much errata should be posted and how it should be presented. I have decided to post only errata that in my opinion may affect comprehension.
I do correct all typos and minor gramatical issues in future printings, and I may insert minor clarifications in the book. I just don't post them all as errata. All comment and corrections are welcome.
I sometimes use the terse notation: s/old text/new text/
Chapter 1:
pp 11-12: The code for count_if() is wrong (doesn't do what it claims to), but the points made about the language are correct.
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
pg 27: s/std::std/std::cout/
Chapter 4:
pg 41: Vector_container doesn't have an initializer-list constructor, so:
Vector_container vc(10); // ... fill v ...
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
pg 73: sstream holds istringstream and ostringstream
Chapter 7:
pg 80: the repetition notations are: ?, *, +, and {}
Chapter 8:
pg 90: s/is.state_base::failbit);/is.setstate(ios_base::failbit);/
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
pg 114: s/f(*q,x)/f(*q)/
Chapter 11:
pg 123: The comment is wrong: s/shift left: bs5 = "111000000" /shift left: bs5 = "000111100"/
pg 124: s/rec_eq/rec_lt/ twice
pg 127: s/f2(int)/f2(string)/
Chapter 12:
pg 137: s/ max = 8/max = 9/
Chapter 13:
pg 147: s/while (mcond.wait(lck))do nothing;/wait(lck));/
Chapter 14:
Thanks to all who send me problems, correction, and clarifications: Agustin K-ballo Berge
Apologies if I missed a name.