Modified April 13, 2024.
Errata for Bjarne Stroustrup: A Tour of C++ (3rd edition), Addison-Wesley, 2022. ISBN 978-0-13-499783-4.
There seem to be a wide variety of opinion how much errata should be posted and how it should be presented. I have decided to post only errata that in my opinion may affect comprehension.
I do correct all typos and minor gramatical issues in future printings, and I may insert minor clarifications in the book. I just don't post them all as errata. All comment and corrections are welcome.
I often use the terse notation: s/old text/new text/
Thanks to all who reported problems.
pg 128 and pg 136: /gsl::string_span/gsl::span<char>/
pg 247: we shouldn't pass pairs of pointer when we can use a span instead, so the example is better written as:
double accum(spans, double init) // compute the sum of [beg:end) starting with the initial value init { return accumulate(s.begin(), s.end(), init); } double comp2(vector & v) { packaged_task pt0{ accum }; // package the task (i.e., accum) packaged_task pt1{ accum }; future f0 {pt0.get_future()}; // get hold of pt0's future future f1 {pt1.get_future()}; // get hold of pt1's future double* first = &v[0]; auto sz2 = v.size()/2; jthread t1{ move(pt0),span<double>{first,sz2},0}; // start a thread for pt0 jthread t2{ move(pt1),span<double>{first+sz2,sz2},0}; // start a thread for pt1 // ... return f0.get() + f1.get(); // get the results }
pp278-279: s/algorithms/algorithm/ three times
pg 7: s/0x3.243F'6A88'85A3'08D3/0x1.921F'B544'42D1'8P+1/.
pg 44: s/0<i/0<=i/
pg 55: The copy constructor is not needed, and if it is supplied, it should be complex(const complex& z) :re{ }, im{ } {}.
pg 93: s/auto x/const auto& x/
pg104-105: s/Seq s/const Seq& s/ six times
pg105: s/range_value_t
pg 166: add an operator== to struct Record
pg 186: s/(r.begin(),end())/(r.begin(),r.end())/
pg 189: s/2 4 6 8 20/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0/ pg 189: s/1 2 3/1 3 5/
pg 212: s/<string>/<string&>/
pg 214: s/00000000/100000000/